Privacy policy

Smartline Privacy Notice

The Smartline Project is delivered in partnership with Coastline Housing, The University of Exeter, Volunteer Cornwall and Cornwall Council. The project aims to undertake research using health and wellbeing information collected across 350 households and support the development of new business ideas and wellbeing products.

To comply with the law, the project requires your permission to collect and share the following Personal information. You are able to withdraw your consent at any time.

  • Name
  • Address
  • DoB
  • Gender
  • Postcode
  • Household makeup
  • General Wellbeing survey questions
  • Volunteering activity
  • Ethnicity
  • Carer status
  • Educational level
  • Employment status

The project will collect this information in a number of ways;

  • From sensors in homes measuring air temperature, air quality, water and energy consumption and information held by Coastline Housing.
  • Information will also be collected through a wellbeing survey delivered by Exeter University
  • Information collected through informal interviews called Guided conversations
  • Data processed as part of tablet distribution and training events
  • Data processed as part of any additional research activity
  • Data processed via Volunteer recruitment
  • Data already held by Coastline Housing

This information will then be put together and studied to identify patterns and help with Research.

In order to do this, the personal information you provide will be shared with a small number of people from Coastline Housing, The University of Exeter, Volunteer Cornwall and Cornwall Council, Blue Flame Ltd (sensor installation) and Switch Community (tablet training) but will not be shared with anyone else.

Your information will then be anonymized so you will not be able to be identified. The information will then be made available to businesses to support the development of ideas and products to support Health and wellbeing issues.

Your Personal information will not be shared with these businesses.

Other information that will be collected as part of the project will include;

  • Data produced by the environmental sensors in homes
  • Efficiency ratings of houses
  • Additional information such as how many bedroom homes have and how the house is heated

You have the right to withdraw from the project at any time and remove your consent for sharing your personal information. With your agreement, we will continue to use the anonymized information as part of research activity.

You also have the right to;

  • make a complaint if you are not happy with any part of the process
  • Access the information being processed as part of the Smartline Project
  • Rectify any information that is incorrect or incomplete
  • Request the deletion of or removal of your personal information
  • Restrict the use of your personal information
  • Object to the use of you information for research purposes

For more information on how your data will be used or to withdraw from the project please visit the Coastline Housing website, contact 01209 200200 or email